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Strength in Numbers

“Breaching 100 Membership Mark”

Never in the history of the Rotary Club of Metro Iloilo and the Rotary District of 3850, that a membership of a club has breached the century mark - the elusive 100.

The newly inaugurated President of Rotary Club of Metro Iloilo, President Elect Marcos Jurquina, laid down the tall order to achieve this feat. Together, with the backing of our very own District Governor John Michael "Kano" Ng, the Officers, Board of Directors and fellow Rotarian members.

At the start of new Rotary Calendar Year, the club members are standing at 80 strong gentlemen. By the end of the year, to breach 100, the club needs at least 20 new members to be inducted. That is 20% increment needed and that is not an easy feat. Considering the retention of the current 80 strong members.

How can WE achieve this feat? The answers: active recruitment and 100% retention. At the start of the 1st regular meeting, the club has inducted 7 new members. That leaves 13 new members to recruit. That is a great head start. As for the retention, someone ask "What is the SECRET of Metro Iloilo in maintaining such a large number of memberships?". That is a common question during PETS and DISTAS. The answer is our "FELLOWSHIP". And that is our STRENGTH. That is where members engagement starts - knowing each other, building camaraderie, unlocking and creating opportunities and many more.

As everyone knows we have the best fellowship in District 3850. We are LEGENDARY. Time and time WE have proven. And WE will prove that again next year at Boracay District Conference. So, to those who have not registered, please do. It is an event that you would not want to miss!

As WE had experienced the challenging 2 years of pandemic and lockdowns: no face-to-face meetings and minimal personal interaction during project implementation. With massive vaccinations and the relaxing of restrictions, let us jump start our club's engagements, flagship projects, the giving back and being the blessing to others. Let us uplift life of others.

As Mark Shield says "There is always strength in numbers. The more individuals or organizations that you can rally to your cause, the better."

Now, we are calling each and every member to rally behind our president elect Marcos Jurquina.

Let's get it on!

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